Day of the Imprisoned Writer: Take Action
As every year, on November 15, the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, PEN calls for urgent international action to protect writers and journalists across the globe, who increasingly find themselves …
PEN Canada celebrates literature, defends freedom of expression and aids writers in peril.
As every year, on November 15, the Day of the Imprisoned Writer, PEN calls for urgent international action to protect writers and journalists across the globe, who increasingly find themselves …
José Rubén Zamora Marroquín is a renowned Guatemalan journalist and founder of three of the most-read newspapers in Guatemala and Central America: Siglo Veintiuno, Nuestro Diario, and elPeriódico.
Server Mustafayev is a Crimean Tatar citizen journalist and human rights defender, founder and coordinator of the grassroots, human rights movement Crimean Solidarity in Russian-occupied Crimea.
Tsitsi Dangarembga is an award-winning Zimbabwean novelist, filmmaker, playwright, activist, and founding member of PEN Zimbabwe.
Narges Mohammadi is an Iranian writer, journalist, human rights defender, and Honorary Member of the Danish, Belgian, Norwegian, and Swedish PEN centres. She is the former Vice-President and spokesperson of the Defenders of Human Rights Center (DHRC), co-winner of the 2013 Oxfam Novib / PEN Award, and winner of the 2011 Per Anger Prize and the 2009 Alexander Langer Award.
Deepa Rajagopalan writes to Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken for PEN’s Day of the Imprisoned Writer.
Irwin Cotler writes to Dawit Isaak for PEN’s Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Ken Whyte writes to Rahile Dawut for PEN’s Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Yann Martel writes to Selahattin Demirtaş for the Day of Imprisoned Writer
Dear Maykel — After reading your story, listening to your music, and meditating on the role of an artist in the fight for a more equitable world, I feel compelled to voice my …