Marie-Ange Garrigue Prize

This prize is awarded annually to a Canadian citizen or permanent resident who in the past year has provided significant help to a writer or journalist outside Canada who has faced threats, violence, harassment, or imprisonment for reporting or commenting on issues of public interest. The value of the prize is $2,000.

Marie-Ange Garrigue

The prize honours the memory of Marie-Ange Garrigue, a citizen of Canada and France, who practiced law in Canada for many years and died in France in January 2022. She had a deep commitment to independent opinion fearlessly expressed. This is the second PEN prize funded by Cynthia Wine and Philip Slayton in support of defenders of freedom of expression.

Nominees may be anyone, including an organization, who has demonstrably rendered assistance, through personal action, direct aid, advocacy, mobilization of help, funding, or via intervention with governments or third parties.


Now open for submissions

Find eligibility and nomination guidelines here. Deadline is July 14, 2024.


Joan Leishman
Mariam Al Zier (inaugural winner)