We Should All Worry About Cellphone Searches

Bill Kowalski, chair of PEN’s Canadian Issues Committee writes about the implications of a recent ruling made by the Supreme Court that allows police to search search the cellphones of people under arrest without a warrant.

PEN International Announces Shortlist for New Voices Award

On August 22nd, PEN International announced its inaugural New Voices Award shortlist. Claire Battershill, author of “The Collective Name of Ninjas”, has been shortlisted for the award and has been invited to read her work at the 79th annual PEN International Congress in Reykjavík.

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Same Message, Different Medium

This year, PEN International is celebrating the rights of all citizens on Press Freedom Day. As always, we champion the rights of media organizations and journalists to safe, uncensored reporting and publication and pay tribute to those who have been killed and disappeared. But we celebrate especially the rights of all citizens to untrammelled access to information and truth…