Lawrence Hill in conversation with Debra Thompson
Wednesday February 5 at 7 p.m. EST
Link to Zoom event: torontomu.zoom.us/j/91941276567
When prominent Canadian novelist Lawrence Hill learned his award-winning The Book of Negroes had been banned from classrooms by the London District Catholic School Board because of its use of the N-word, he was deeply troubled. Join Lawrence Hill in his conversation with author and McGill University Canada Research Chair in Racial Inequality in Democratic Societies, Debra Thompson, exploring censorship and the role of literature in society.
This is a free event and no registration is required. Please contact cfe@torontomu.ca if you require accommodation to ensure inclusion in this event.
This Centre for Free Expression event is co-sponsored by Edmonton Public Library, PEN Canada, The Writers’ Union of Canada, Toronto Public Library, and Vancouver Public Library