Hundreds of local newspapers have been shut down; investigative units that flourished have been eliminated in all but a handful of outlets. CTV cancelled the weekly W5 program. What went wrong? What’s at stake for the country and what does the future hold? Five of Canada’s top investigative journalists tackle the challenges.
Cosponsored by Canadian Association of Journalists, PEN Canada, TMU Journalism Research Centre
Rob Cribb, Toronto Star and the Investigative Journalism Bureau.
Allya Davidson, Executive Producer at CBC’s the fifth estate
Marie-Maude Denis, Host of Radio-Canada’s Enquete
Anton Kuschany, former executive producer of CTV’s W5
Cecil Rosner, Investigative Journalism Foundation, Winnipeg
Moderator: Julian Sher, Senior Fellow at CFE and former investigative journalist with CBC, the Toronto Star, and the Globe and Mail
Zoom link to event torontomu.zoom.us/j/91941276567
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