Freedom of Expression, Public Engagement, Democracy: What Can We Expect for the Next Ten Years?

Freedom of Expression, Public Engagement, Democracy: What Can We Expect for the Next Ten Years?


7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Tuesday, April 8th, 7pm EDT
Zoom link to event:

CFE 10th Anniversary Panel! On the Centre for Free Expression’s 10th Anniversary, we are exploring two questions: What are likely to be the biggest challenges to freedom of expression, informed public engagement, and democracy in the coming ten years? What can we do to meet those challenges?

Alex Himelfarb, Former Clerk of the Privy Council of Canada, Ambassador, Public servant and academic
Jordan Laffrenier, Associate Artistic Director, Canadian Stage and Prime Mover Theatre Company; former Artistic Producer of Theatre Sheridan
Teresa Scassa, Professor and Canada Research Chair in Information Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa
Lisa Taylor, Journalist, Lawyer, Rogers Chair in Journalism at the University of King’s College

Moderator: James L. Turk, Director, Centre for Free Expression

This is a free event and no registration is required. Please contact if you require accommodation to ensure inclusion in this event. This Centre for Free Expression event is co-Sponsored by Edmonton Public Library, PEN Canada, Toronto Public Library, and Vancouver Public Library.